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ORBIS waterME POP-UP Event


TaskPlan offline pop-up store for ORBIS' new product DEFENCERA.

Concept:water SPACE

Strategy:We designed the popup campaign around the key benefits of DEFENCERA and interactive experience for target consumers. From online warm up phase to the popup period, various mechanisms including HTML5 minigame that unlock T-mall coupons, original "Water" handbag, travel tickets and other rewards, and cooperated with Japanese style influencers to co-create and build online buzz on top social platforms.

Space Design:Centered on moisturize and breathable, we delivered key product benefits through water elements and futuristic style, and enhanced interactive experience by integrating check-ins, displays and minigames.

Results:100,000,000+ campaign hashtag impressions, 30,000,000+ online posts

TMALL official store sales increased 300%.


宣传短片(directed by 加拿大籍摄影师SHEN)

KV平面摄影(by 旅日新锐摄影师 YAO)

H5小游戏(平面创作 by 日本插画师 月星開理)


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